We’ve Come a Long Way

Disponibilidade: Esgotado

On May 25th Ireland voted for the legalisation of abortion by a landslide. This was the result of years of fighting, organising and protesting from grassroot groups and activists. This book took form in the lead-up to the referendum, but despite the victory, the wider battle for reproductive justice continues.

This book includes testimonials, interviews and research written by migrant women and ethnic minorities who were an integral part of the referendum campaign. From the Traveller community in Ireland to migrant women from Brazil, our contributors share their experiences on matters like abortion access, maternity services, sexism and discrimination.

Through their experiences we want to expand the conversation around reproductive justice and show why the legalisation of abortion is only the first step in gaining bodily autonomy. In a post-referendum world where people might think the fight is over, this book argues that the hard-earned access to abortion is part of a wider battle for bodily autonomy and goes hand in hand with accessible contraception, sex education, better maternity services, housing rights and parenthood support.


_sobre este livro

_sobre este livro

I believe that the book also provides what bell hooks (1990) would call a space for a “polyvocal political movement”, a space where “radical subjectivities” can work together towards reproductive justice. Making room for radical subjectivities means seeing fragmentation and a diversity of positions and voices as a political strength rather than a weakness. The writers are politically engaged in their everyday lives and professions, through activism, as researchers or as spokespeople for organisations. Everyone approaches the struggle for reproductive justice from their political viewpoint, personal experiences and expertise. All the writers share a vision of change for reproductive and social justice.

Sarah Bodelsson

_outras informações

idioma: inglês
encadernação: brochura
formato: 14 x 19,5
páginas: 192
papel: pólen 80 gramas
ano de edição: 2018
edição: 2ª


Esse sangue não é de menstruação, mas de transfobia
Quant: 1
A invasão - segunda edição
Quant: 1